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Combined years of experience allows us to meet a variety of needs for a wide range of events. Let us serve you in any of the following areas! We are open to other types of events, as well, so don't hesitate to ask!




View our SONG LIST for our current vocal and instrumental repertoire. We'd love to learn your favorites, too!

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View our SONG LIST to get an idea of our current setlist. Remember that we are always open to requests made in advance!

WORSHIP at Conferences, etc.

Hosting a ministry conference? We combine many years of experience leading worship in a variety of settings. Looking for a acoustic-style band? We offer a well-rounded mix of options that caters to your theme to help facilitate an enhanced worship experience through music. We even offer words and notes on screen or in print, to help everyone feel like they can participate, even the first time through. 



The passing of a loved one is always a difficult time. We want to help you showcase your beloved's interests and personality with services such as a DVD/Video Slideshow of photos and memories (great for visitations), displays of personal items, custom printed programs/orders of service,  and, of course, service music and musical performances of favorite songs or hymns.  Years spent in the music ministry in various denominations has given us plenty of experience coordinating  such events.  Let us collaborate with ministers, family members, and funeral homes to provide a memorial or funeral service that is beautiful and smooth. 


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